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Monday, November 20, 2006 @5:43 AM

To: Mrs Malfoy, Mrs Skywalker and Mrs Almasy
How about it? :D
From: Mrs Merridew

Sunday, November 19, 2006 @3:57 AM

My latest mentor consultation session was absolutely hilarious. :) More hilarious than before, at least. As most people would already know, my mentor is someone who can say the, um, most interesting things.
I feel so sorry for the poor RI school logo. Well, what happened was that my mentor had received this letter from RI asking him to be a mentor for their Research Education Programme (or something of that sort...aiyah, basically it's a version of our RS). He seemed to think that it was an extremely hilarious letter (don't ask me why), and was going, "Read it! Read it! It's so funny! You can have a laugh over it!". After my pretending to be very interested in it, he started analyzing the school logo. The first thing he commented on was the numerous colours of the rainbow present in the logo. I quote, "Wah! So colourful! They must have used a lot of ink!". No, I don't understand why the logo would have used up a lot of ink either.
Mentor: What's this animal at the top here? Is it a dog? It looks like a dog! Nonono...maybe it's a horse!
Me: Hahaha...
Mentor: But why is the lip so long ah?
Me: (consumed in laughter)
Mentor: Oh look at the side! There're two chickens! Cockerels!
Me: (laughing too hard to speak comprehensively any longer)
Mentor: Or is it a monkey? (I have NO idea how chickens or cockerels could look like a MONKEY, but nevermind)
Me: (almost falls off chair)
Mentor: Oh look! Inside got eagle! (pauses) Wah, it's a two-headed eagle! Now, this type of animals ah, got two heads one, heaven will like to take away their lives sooner!
Now, that last comment took the cake! Oh man, I don't think I ever laughed so hard before! Except perhaps the time the zebras, Jnanee and I re-enacted the famous pig kill scene from LOTF at Vivocity's Toys R Us. :D
Poooooor RI. I wonder what any RI student would say if he had heard what my mentor said. LOLZ. ^_^

Sunday, November 12, 2006 @5:56 AM

I know I really should blog about the Vivocity outing, but I'm feeling rather lazy. I shall do this thing I stole from Arias's blog instead. :)
15 people that come to your mind now:
1. Zhihua
2. Zhixin
3. Jnanee
4. Arias
5. MeL
6. Peiyun
7. Rita
8. Latha
9. Leican
10. Peiru
11. Chinhwee
12. Zijun
13. Jiajian
14. Eiffel
15. Zhaosheng
Have you ever hugged 1? (Zhihua)
Yep. Right after last eoy paper (physics). Post-eoy euphoria. The closest thing to perfect happiness. :)
What's the best memories you have of 10? (Peiru)
Well, we don't see each other very often. Perhaps the time when we sneaked into CO half an hour late together, and whenever we roll our eyes when Chinhwee says something ridiculous (as she always does).
Why are you friends with 9? (Leican)
Who said I was? Hahaha, kidding. Cos she's a really funny and crappy person, although rather annoying sometimes. :) We were best friends in Sec 1 and 2.
When's the next time you're gonna see 6? (Peiyun)
Probably only when school re-opens next year. Awww. Even then, I don't think we'd be tablemates anymore.
Tell something juicy about number 15. (Zhaosheng)
I doubt any of you would be interested in knowing, cos apart from Jiajian and Eiffel, you all don't know him! He's my cousin lah. Oh well, for those who do know him, he has many girlfriends, all of whom send him mushy smses. I still remember the time me and Eiffel kidnapped his handphone. :) Interesting read.
What do you like about 8? (Latha)
Her sense of humour. I remember how her determination to see almost everything as a PS (for innocent people, it's best not to know what that stands for) gave us a very hilarious and memorable PE lesson. :)
Is number 4 attractive? (Arias)
Yes, of course. :) Pity she doesn't want to get married. I'm sure there'll be many heartbroken and disappointed guys. Awww. Oh, and she's multi-talented and all-rounded too. Come on, guys, I'm sure one of you can melt this ice girl. :)
What was your first impression of 7? (Rita)
Um...dunno? That she was a nice and quiet girl. :)
How did you meet 3? (Jnanee)
In Sec 1? We were in the same class. Can't remember exactly when. I don't remember her during orientation camp, though. :)
Do you think 13 could kill someone? (Jiajian)
Well, she always claims she can, though I kinda suspect that when the real thing comes, she'll close up, run and hide. :)
Is 11 your best friend? (Chinhwee)
Well, in CO, she is. I'm closer to her than anyone else in my section. Though she CAN be rather annoying at times. :)
I'm ignoring the next three questions.
Do you think 2 has a crush on you? (Zhixin)
Of course she has. :) She loves me a lot. But I don't love her. Awww.
Who do you spend the most time with?
Zhihua, Zhixin and Jnanee. :) They're my current classmates, and probably my closest friends. Awww...I love you guys! (wait a minute, isn't that rather self-contradictory? oh nevermind) Though it's the holidays now, we still met up three times...and hopefully will meet up again soon!
What is the last thing you did with 1? (Zhihua)
Went to Vivocity together! Watched Step Up! And, in Piggy's words, acted "like a crowd of kids". :) Oh, we had a duel with lightsabers. I was the, um, evil Sith, by the way.
Have you ever hung out with 2 outside of school? (Zhixin)
Yep! Went to Plaza Sing, Zhihua's house, and Vivocity! Yay let's go out again! :) :) :)
I'm ignoring the next two questions.
Have you ever liked 7? (Rita)
In the straight way, yes. Duh. She's nice what.
Where is the last place you went with 8? (Latha)
Uh. No where. Unless you count Plaza Sing to watch An Inconvenient Truth. And school. To collect a report book and look at a SAD gpa.
Are you real close to 9? (Leican)
In Sec 1 and 2, yeah, rather. Cos she was my best friend then. In Sec 3, lesser than before. But she's still my friend. :)
What kind of relationship do you have with 10? (Peiru)
Fellow CO member. Best friend of my CO best friend (Chinhwee). Hmm. Confusing? Nah.
I'm ignoring the next question. Why do they always have such gross questions?
Have you ever been to the movies with 12? (Zijun)
Nope. Been to the Youth Science Conference together though. And I tell you, the...uh... "scenery" there is just as nice to look at as any movie. :) Sorry Zhixin! I know you're sick of hearing this already. :)
Have you ever gotten in trouble with 13? (Jiajian)
Oh! Many times! In our childhood days. Mostly, we were like telling each other, "I don't friend you ok!"
That's all the questions I can get, cos the post on Arias's blog has already gone to archives, which I can't seem to find. Awww. Nevermind. If I find anymore questions, I'll add them here. :)
Till the next time I blog again! ^_^ (which I'm afraid won't be anytime soon)

Monday, November 06, 2006 @4:56 AM

Everyone congratulate me! I've just reached/achieved/whatever a milestone in my life. For the very first time in my fifteen years on Earth, I actually spent a total of a few hours in someplace without my mother less than a yard away from me! Yayyyyy. :) Ok, I know this is SERIOUSLY late, but if you had limited (and I mean REALLY limited) time on the com, like twice a week, fifteen minutes per session, then perhaps you'd understand.
Ok, I suppose it wasn't a fully-fledged outing, cos I didn't get to the place myself. Rather, the school brought the entire Sec 3 level down to Plaza Sing to watch a "movie" (yes, our school has weird definitions of what a movie is), An Inconvenient Truth. Well, although I can't say it was the most boring, yawnable show I've ever sat through, it sure wasn't something which could exactly be the highlight of my day. The only thing I liked about this so-called movie screening was the opportunity it gave me to hang out with my dear friends :) for once. And even small things like sharing for popcorn and drinks, and for Neoprints, gave me, in Jteo's words, a "fuzzy" feeling. If anyone thinks I'm over-reacting, remember, it was my first time! :)
I think that was probably one of the funnest (no such word? ah, who cares) days of my life. Or year. I don't remember being so happy before, unless you count the immediate post-eoy euphoria.
In response to what Jnanee said on her blog about my not going gaga over anything in the cd shop, well, it's true, cos none of my obsessions had chosen to make any appearances there. But I assure everybody that should one of them had been present, my going gaga would probably be the loudest, with only Zhixin's reaction to Kaka being able to equal it. :) But I must admit I was going fairly gaga over the poster of Anakin. I can understand what Zhihua sees in him. ^_^
I think the funnest (again, this word) part of the day was at the bookstore, where Zhixin was producing sound waves of rather large amplitudes! :) Well, it was thanks to a horoscope/zodiac book, and Zhixin was happily reading out analyses of each of our love lives and characters, proclaiming at one point that she was "quiet, analytical and private". Hmm. Talk about self-contradictory. A rather alarmed Jnanee came bustling over like a mother hen (or should I say chocobo?), hissing, "I can hear you from the other end of the store!"
Zhixin: "I'm quiet ok!"
I really love horoscope books. Sometimes, it really tells it like it is! Like for instance, this book said that I like guys who are "good communicators". "Communicators" brings to mind good verbal skills, which I'm sure debaters have. And I sure appreciate people who can ask intelligent and meaningful questions. Sufficient hints, I think. :) But sometimes, those books don't tell the truth! Like when it said I was a practical person, and would not go for, you know, those, um, "meaningless" acts. You know, those lame, cheesy kinds! But that is SO not true. In fact, I love lame and cheesy stuff! I really go for it. :)
Neoprints! First time I ever took them, with my friends, that is. I did take Neoprints with my two cousins before, but oh well, not counted. We, the inexperienced Neoprinters, though, made a small mess out of it. But the two Zs claimed it was the most successful Neoprints they ever took, so I suppose it wasn't that bad. We accidentally chose the smallest size one, though, so they're all rather teeny. :( Oh well. The machine conked out, so we had unlimited time to decorate! Xiaxue had the same experience too, with the same machine at Plaza Sing. She blogged about it. She and her friend took half an hour to decorate their Neoprints! We weren't as bad. I think we must have taken about fifteen to twenty minutes.
There was this picture I really wanted to be printed out, but before we could choose it, time was up. Awww. We had written the names of our idols on it. Zhixin, predictably, wrote "Kaka". Zhihua, abandoning poor Erik, chose Anakin. Jnanee, although I thought that she would choose Tom Felton (ewww) (this is not directed at Draco, by the way, he's hot! Felton's NOT), chose Siefer Almasy (did I get the spelling right?) instead. I was kinda tempted to write DC, but Zhixin was like, "NO! I tell you, you'll DIE when you don't like him anymore!" Well, she was right. So I chose someone more long-lasting - Adrien Brody! <333! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Ok, ok, calm down.
Oh, one more thing! At the music store we went to, I actually saw a book with the entire Pride and Prejudice music score sheets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I want!!! But sadly, my wallet said otherwise. Yes, I know I've a lot of money (thankyouthankyou), but $30+??? No thank you. Sigh.
The two Zs (it's more convenient to call them as such) and Jnanee forced me to play Nocturne for them on the display piano (despite a sign saying "Please do not practice on the piano", but when has Zhixin ever followed rules anyway?). I'm really not used to playing while standing up, and maybe that was the cause of my making repeated mistakes. But since my playing managed to incur Zhixin's jealousy, I suppose it wasn't that bad. :) Just like how Zhixin's ParaPara dance managed to incur my jealousy, but that's another story. I'll blog about that later. :)
Hmm. I suppose that sums up the day? Oh man, I realize this is coming SUPER late. But as I said before, I can only go on the com when my mum is taking her bath, cos she won't hear of my going online at all. And that, my dears, is a really limited time.
Wonder when my next post'll come? :)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @4:18 AM

Oh gracious. I need a new obsession. And QUICK. This one has caused me little happiness and much grief. The best way to put it would be a quote from Zhihua: "Admiring will only make you sadder." Sigh. Oh dear. I swore before not to do angsty posts, but it seems like I'll have to break my promise.
I think I prefer having fictional characters as obsessions. Or perhaps those big stars like actors and singers. That's cos with such characters, you can easily declare them as yours, e.g. Kaka's mine! (quoted from Zhixin). And well, the title of my blog says pretty much too. :D Yep. I'm the self-professed Mrs Jack Merridew, and no-one can exactly contradict that, cos he's not a real-life person. :D
But with real-life people! Argh. All you can do is admire from afar, and obviously you can't declare them yours unless it's true. And it gives you such a sad feeling too. :( The worst part is, you can't forget them! Anyone has tips? Here's a first-timer who has no idea how to forget real-life obsessions. Hmm. Perhaps second-timer. But the first time wasn't so strong. That was forgotten easily. But this doesn't seem to be able to be forgotten easily. Oh well. Perhaps it will, some day. After all, what was that super-cliched saying? "There's many more fish in the sea." I suppose it IS true, after all. It has to exist for a reason.
Oh dear. I can't even make sense of what I'm saying. Nevermind.
So anyone out there can offer me tips?
I wanna forget.


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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