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Sunday, December 31, 2006 @8:58 AM

Was busy watching Countdown 2007 on TV just now, and thus neglected to blog. XD
Am relatively more cheerful now, and I think I MIGHT not be so ugly after all.
Zhihua: Hair GROWS, you know!
Oh well.
Anyway, some of you very lucky and blessed people would have received a sweet email from me wishing you all a very happy new year! So I'm very early in my festive wishes this time ok, Zhixin! Hmph.
Hahaha. Anyway.

@3:40 AM

Gah. :( I just got my hair cut today!
And now...
I look like...
Gosh, I don't even know what.
Yinfei now has a hood over her head as she is currently too ugly to face anyone.
Poor ugly me. :(
And on New Year's Eve too. :(
Speaking of New Year's Eve. My post wishing everyone a very happy new year'll be coming up soon. Hopefully I'll sound more cheerful by then.

Saturday, December 16, 2006 @2:12 AM

Yinfei's off to Hokkaido! She'll miss everyone. :D
Yep, I'm flying tonight! At 12 midnight sharp. XD Hope I can get to sleep on the plane. Usually, on these night flights, I only get about half an hour to one hour's worth of sleep! And just when I had gotten to sleep, it's time for breakfast, and the air stewardesses will be threatening to clear my tray soon unless I get up and eat it. :(
YAY! SKIING! I've been waiting for this ever since last year's trip. Can't wait to get on those skis again! Ok, I sound like as if I'm pro at this. I'm SO NOT. Well, at least I can move down a hill on them. Hills! XD <333
I'll be back on the 23rd! Around midnight too. So till then, bye! :D
P.S: Kersh and Zhihua, don't be mad! Sorrysorry. X(
P.P.S: Help keep my tagboard alive, ok?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 @4:36 AM

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Freak to YOU, Mr Can't-seem-to-see-my-own-reflection-in-the-mirror. Ok, I'm fast-forwarding. Back to the start.
I was at Telecom today with my mum, who wanted to get a new handphone. So I was sitting there, feeling really bored and all, when I spotted this guy and his (probably) girlfriend. I was initially pretty irritated with him already. I mean, he kept talking in this SUPER loud voice (and might I add raspy too), and behaving really dumb. He had too little of a horizontal challenge, and his hair looked, um, weird. I would elaborate more were I not afraid that someone would eventually read this. You know how it is about blogs these days. Anyway. Here's what I overheard between him and his girl:
She: Christopher! Sweetheart!
He: Yes?
(they were standing pretty far away from each other, by the way, he was at the counter, she wasn't, thus the need to call out in this manner)
She: Did you really go out in that horrible haircut last night? (ha! see? even his girl thinks his hair's weird)
He: OH YES! I DID! AND YOU KNOW WHO I SAW THERE? (whoa there. do you HAVE to talk so loudly?)
She: Who?
She: Who's the freak?
And THEN... ...
Right, now THAT really got my attention. I was writing some stuff, so I wasn't looking at them at first. I didn't pay much attention cos I thought that he might have been referring to his friend as "the freak". But when I heard that, I tell you, I looked up instantly! I thought he even looked a little suprised that I would suddenly look up when I had been keeping my head down the whole time. I stared at him like anything!
Then his girl started giggling and all, and then I wasn't sure what they said after that anymore, mostly because I was too busy fuming to hear anything else. XD
Ok, fine, maybe I am over-reacting. I guess I'm a little biased and prejudiced. But all the same! I was thinking, "YOU'RE more of a freak than HE is.". I think I might have muttered it out loud too. It's a good thing I don't have a voice like Zhixin's, otherwise he might have heard me!
Oh well. Everyone has his/her own opinion. And in MY opinion, Paul's not a freak! You want freaks? Take a look at Ron Weasley, who's probably the biggest freak around, or perhaps something (yes, someTHING) worse than a freak.
Paul. Is. Not. A. Freak. He's cuuuuuuuuute. :) :) :)
End of story. XD
(Zhixin, don't die again! You realize there's a limit to the number of lives you have.)
Note: I mean no offence to the guy at Telecom, or his girlfriend. I just happen to disagree with them on the definition of freakishness. :D

Friday, December 01, 2006 @4:43 AM

Wheee. Just got back from Malaysia. Lucky Zhixin gets to stay there for nine days, while I could only stay for five. :( Oh well. There's always Hokkaido to look forward too. SKIIIIIIING! SNOOOOOOW! HOT SPRINGS! Yayyy. :D
I was in KL at the same time that Zhixin was, but we didn't get to see each other. Awww. I did sms her a couple of times to tell her that I was at Times Square, and was staying there till around 4 pm, and would she happen to be going too? Well, she said she MIGHT be, but didn't in the end. Sighz.
My dad bought the Casino Royale dvd! But I don't really want to watch it on a small, miserable little TV. I'd much rather watch it on the big screen! So I don't care, I still am, dvd present or not. OMG DANIEL CRAIG! <333 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Isn't he just so HOT. And Zhixin can't come out with her usual criticism of my obsessions, "I bet he doesn't have abs!" Well, DC number 2 certainly does! Don't I just love detention classes.
My cousins forced me to watch House of Wax in the hotel room. Well, when I heard it wasn't ghost-scary, but rather, just violent and gory, then I agreed to it. Cos I really really can't take horror movies, but violent and gory ones, well, let's just say I can take those better. After all, I'm not Mrs Jack Merridew for nothing. :D In House of Wax, though, I didn't get to see a pig's-head-on-a-stick, but I did get to see Paris-Hilton's-head-on-a-stick. Complete with trickling blood and "red stuff". And, well, a lot of other gory stuff. Hmm. Me thinks I'm using "stuff" far too much.
After watching the show, though, the face of the baddie (the psycho who keeps murdering people) kept popping up in my mind. I tell you, that's one scary face. To me, at least. But after finding out some of the storyline from my cousin (cos I didn't watch the first part of the show), I kinda felt sorry for the guy. After all, he was tricked by his brother to do all that bad stuff, and it's not his fault cos he had some traumatic childhood...or something like that. Hey, I just realized something! I think Zhihua would like him a lot. After all, he fulfills all her basic requirements:
1. He's a baddie. An evil guy.
2. He wears a cloak! Or a cape. Something along those lines.
3. He wears a mask. Although it IS made of wax. (duh)
4. Most importantly...he's DISFIGURED! And on one side of his face too! That's why he wears the mask.
Zhihua does have interesting requirements. So I suggest that TA, Qiwen, Kersheng, desperate Korean neighbour, whatever (whoa, Zhihua sure has many suitors), all go disfigure themselves (on one side of the face) and get together a cloak/cape and mask combo outfit. And go murder some people to prove their evil side. :) Don't I just love to advertise my friends. First Arias, now Zhihua. :) FUN.


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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