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Sunday, January 28, 2007 @2:59 AM

Darn. Nothing to blog about.

I'm just blogging so that people won't see the nice happy birthday greetings as the first post. That's pretty darn outdated.

I'm looking forward to the oscar awards! For some reason, I seem to be alone in my enthusiasm. Perhaps it's cos people don't read the Life! section in the newspapers every day. Unlike a certain me. XD

I tell you, the Life! section is really informative. Just read it everyday and you can be as knowledgeable as me (darn, I'm showing my innate zhixiness)! That is, in terms of celebrity knowledge. *coughcough* It's not difficult, really! My dad goes on and on about how I should be reading the straits times *falls asleep*, and if I just read it everyday, I'll become very knowledgeable (yes, I have no better word to use) about politics and stuff. And strangely, the same goes for the celebrity stuff! I just read Life! everyday and my celebrity quotient has increased like crazy since Sec 2. XD

But some people are pro-er than me, like Jill. I have to thank her for tutoring me in the first place, and for influencing me to take an interest in this kind of stuff. Heeheehee.

If you talk soccer, though, it's Zhixin who's the champion. I think if I every do join Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, I'll choose to call Zhixin if they ask me anything about soccer.

Speaking of soccer, Zhixin didn't know that I knew there was a club called Atletico Madrid! And she took so long to guess it when we were playing hangman during philo. Zhixin, after hearing your rants about Fernando Torres for almost a year, how could I not know! Hahahahahaha. And she forgot what horcruxes were! Might I add that my knowledge of harry potter terminology rocks too. As compared to a certain Zhixin, that is. XD At least Zhihua remembers what horcruxes are. Well, that's actually not surprising, seeing that those are the things which her Tommy keeps bits of his soul in. ^_^

Ooh, turns out I did have something to blog about. See, blogging helps get your creative juices flowing! And that is why I disagree that "blogging has little worth beyond allowing the individual to indulge in exhibitionism". For a full explaination why, please refer to my english formative essay, which is a very pro (not) four-and-a-quarter pages long one.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 @1:39 AM

My dear little punching snowball emoticon's sixteen!
Whoa, I just can't believe it. You're actually legal for NC16 movies! Just don't forget your IC, cos I doubt the ticket-selling people would believe you.
I WANNA BE SIXTEEN TOO! Then I can move on from sneaking into NC16 movies to sneaking into M18 movies! Muahahahahahahaha!
Zhixin's in luck too, cos she can now watch NC16 movies too, but that's as long as she brings Zhihua along with her.
Imaginary conversation:
Ticket-seller: (eyeing ZX and ZH suspiciously) Erm...you two are sixteen? Let me see your ICs.
Zhihua: (slams IC on counter) I'm sixteen! How dare you.
Ticket-seller: (looks at IC) Oh, you are! (expresses great surprise) What about her, then? (points to Zhixin)
Zhixin: Idiot! Can't you tell I'm her identical twin! If she's sixteen, of course I'm sixteen too! See, I'm taller than her! That's cos I was born 30 seconds after her!
Ticket-seller: Oh, yes, yes, the resemblance is startling! (hands tickets over)

And ta-da! Both of them get in. XD

On another note, my teeth HURT. I just went for my dental appointment today. I thought I'd have to put on retainers, and was dreading it and all, but now, come to think of it, I'd rather have them than what I've got in my mouth now. My dentist wants me to put rubber bands in my teeth! And I'm scared to open my mouth too wide in case they snap or anything. And I have to take them out during dinner, and then put new ones in again. Myself. I've tried it before, and seriously, it's tortuous. I just can't seem to hook the darn things on. Grrr. X(

Owowowowowowowowow. I'd take retainers any day! Oh man. I can't wait for the day when I can smile properly again. It's a good thing I've been laughing a lot this past week, so I'd have made up for not being able to laugh properly from now onwards. Gosh, I sound like a lunatic. Don't worry, I've been laughing for a REASON.

I realize my links are only a pathetic few. That's cos I'm too lazy to link people. Oh well. I shall some day, when I feel like it.

And now, back to Chem worksheet.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 @4:32 AM

Am I pro or what.
Now I can play on every course in Singapore!

Monday, January 22, 2007 @10:35 PM

Act 1 Scene 1

(Sitting in front of the TV. Mum is checking the share market. Screen shows a gazillion figures which might as well be greek to bored me.)

(Suddenly, poto soundtrack fills the room.) (Cue excited shrieks from me, and even more excited shrieks from imaginary Zhihua.)

Sound from TV: The Phantom of the Opera is coming to... ... (drowned out by squeals and uncontrollable shrieks from me)
Mum: What?
Mum: Turn back where?
Mum: Huh?
Me: (screams in agony as beautiful music slowly fades away)
Sound from TV: (marigold peel fresh advertisement)
Mum: Turn where?
Me: Oh nevermind... ...it's OVER. NOOOOOOOOO!

Grrrrr. I think my mum was doing that on purpose! Shall bug her day and night till she lets me go watch poto musical with Zhihua. My dad says it's no problem, but my mum was all, "We'll see." Meaning that it all depends on how guai I'll be. :(

At least I saw the trailer once on TV before, unlike poor Zhihua, whose affection for Erik far exceeds mine. :) But I just felt like seeing it again, which was why I got all excited when I heard that familiar, haunting tune. Although my Erik obsession lasted for a grand total of one week, I still feel a bit of that fangirlish feeling coming back every time I hear the soundtrack.


Man, I sound like Zhihua. Don't be mistaken, people, this is still Yinfei's blog. ^_^

Saturday, January 20, 2007 @4:29 AM

OMG TOMORROW IS MY PC TEST!!! damndamndamndamndamn. I haven't touched a golf club for like how long?!? Oh mannn.

I did steal a sand wedge from my dad to swing it around in his room, but it just isn't the same as a driving range, for obvious reasons. For instance, I can't do a full swing (at full speed) for fear of smashing the glass cabinets and the hanging lamp. And there's no ball, so I have no idea if I had just swung a good shot.

I'm so going to fail! X(

Ok, nevermind. On a happier note, there were a number of extremely interesting events which took place over the span of last week, and most of which, I might mention, involved Zhixin. Talk about coincidence! *coughcough*

First, Zhixin's famous mutation into a plant. Don't glare at me like that Zhixin! I have evidence ok!
1. She has been basking continuously in the sunlight, leaping into whatever oh-so-glorious sunlit patch she can find, and taking detours (sunlit ones) to the canteen.
2. She went to the toilet and dunked water onto her hair (or should I say, root hairs).
3. She tried strangling me, and when I said, "Plants don't strangle people!", she was all, "Don't you remember the devil's snare?". Thus ensued an argument over devil's snares and herbology. For non-HP fans, or those who haven't gotten round to memorizing the book yet, devil's snares do not like light or heat!
And in case some people haven't realized, the above are signs of photosynthesis and water absorption through root hairs. Zhixin the mutant! *gasps*

Secondly, the Zhixin vs The Vitasoy Packet duel.
Dear Zhixin decided to drink vitasoy during lunch. Which is actually nothing wrong, unless you have a tendency to convert the most normal things into catastrophes (coughzhixincough). So what happened was, Zhixin here shoved her straw into the packet with erm, too much force, and the straw promptly disappeared beneath the watery depths of the packet. After much clawing at the packet and trying desperately to retrieve the straw, she decided that she would do better tearing the packet open instead.

The poooooor packet. By the time Zhixin the evil mutant plant was done with it, it looked even more disfigured than Zhihua's Erik. I think it had more scars than Erik's, Anakin's and V's put together. And the best part is, the darn packet still wasn't torn open! It had loads of paper and plastic hanging off it, till only the cardboard layer remained. Ah, I can't describe it. I really wanted to take a pic of it, but unfortunately, I didn't bring my handphone down. But Jnanee and Zhixin both did, so they took the pics of the vitasoy packet for the obituary. Sniffsniff. Jnanee claims the vitasoy packet was a brave soldier who fought against Zhixin for Jnanee, so that she could usurp her world ruler status. Awww. We gave the vitasoy packet a proper burial, don't worry. "So well thy words become thee as thy wounds, they smack of honour both." Copyrighted from Duncan.

And that's not all! Zhixin eventually decided that she was totally unable to tear the packet open, so she went for a second straw.
Me: Best idea you had all day, Zhixin.
But guess what happened? Well, the second straw joined his mummy the first straw in the watery depths of the vitasoy packet too. Omg Zhixin, you're damn pro can!

After we were all done laughing (at the same time attracting the curious stares of everyone at the table), Jnanee offered to do the honours of ripping the packet open for Zhixin. And she managed it in one rip! Zhixin's too dainty! No strength at all! Speaking of which, I had to help her eject all her pipette tips during The Ultimate Killer Bio Prac. But that's another story.

And now I have to go fill my stomach so that I'll have energy to pass that darn PC test tomorrow. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 @6:47 AM


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @3:41 AM

I am doneth with SMP! Well, done with this part, at least. There's still SSEF, but I shall worry about that later. I can't believe the application itself is already such a damn hassle! I shudder to think of what SSEF itself's gonna be like. >.<

I really should be doing that nice little Bio journal (thanks a lot, Bio teachers), but because of my current celebratory mood, I have decided to switch on the addictive com to amuse myself for a while. But as I'm not exactly adept in doing long posts, I forsee this shall be a short one. Another random post for me! Wheee. XD

I shall treat myself to a movie soon, despite the nice litle Maths review test (thanks a lot, Maths teachers). There's a whole long list of movies I want to catch!

1. The Queen. Maybe it's cos of the hype, but I do feel like seeing Helen Mirren's performance for myself, and see if it's as good as the critics say it is.
2. Night at the Museum. Did I get the spelling right? Oh nevermind. I remember saying that I wanted to see it when I saw the trailer in Vivocity cinema. (Zhihua shrieked and ran out of the cinema when the T-rex on the screen roared.) But I heard it's not a scary movie (trust me, I wouldn't want to watch it if it was). Rather, it's more of a "family movie".
3. HOLLYWOODLAND! XD I don't know what the plot is, and I don't care. I just want to watch it. That's enough hints that one of my obsessions is in it. =)

I know there's a few more, but for some reason, I can't seem to recall the rest. Nevermind. I shall post again if I remember them. And I want to watch my dvds too! Sigh. I should have watched all of them during the hols. Now that school's open again, I wonder if I'll ever have the time. Sighsighsigh. =(

There. I said this was going to be a short post. Ta-ta! Back to Bio journal, Macbeth, and darn Maths test. What a cruel world.

Monday, January 08, 2007 @4:42 AM

This shall be my first ever random post, about nothing in particular at all, quite similar, actually, to those that Zhixin always does, you know, about the day in general and all that.

I'm currently pulling out large quantities of hair (or at least, I'm trying to - it's a good thing I'm not successful, seeing the state of my hair) due to the pitiable state of my SSEF application. I have just discovered that there is an SSEF entry form to be filled in too, which I can't believe I have not discovered until now, despite having caught sight of those mysterious forms under Zhihua's arm every RS session. Sigh. And there's that stupid digital photograph. Why should they want to know how I look like? And why digital! I wish I could just give them a copy of my IC photo, cos I actually look quite chio (thankyouthankyou - Lee Zhixin, all your fault! I'm getting ego too) in it, and that's also the reason why I don't want to give it up either. :( Oh well. At least I don't have to worry about forms involving dangerous chemicals, hazardous biological agents, human/animal subjects, whatever. Maths is sooo nice and safe. :) Haha, Jnanee! She has to fill in those forms cos of her use of a laser (which she laments aren't like the cool Star Wars lightsaber way).

School was ok, I suppose. Our new Physics teacher bears an uncanny resemblance to Peter Pettigrew. :) (Jnanee claims she has never before visualized Peter Pettigrew before, cos of her concentration on "hotter" characters like Sirius Black.) But he looks like a really nice person. So smiley and all. BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE BIO JOURNAL IS GRADED!!! Argh. Whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy? I hate pasting worksheets in some dumb notebook. That's just not my study style. And having to make really nice neat notes too, for the sake of getting high grades, when I so prefer my own messy style of note-taking. Sigh. Grrr.

I suppose that's the end of my random post. Congratulate me, everyone! And now I must get back to that damnable SMP.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 @2:14 AM

Last day of school holiday. :( Sigh. All good things must come to an end. It almost seems like yesterday that I was whooping and jumping up and down in joy after the Physics EOY paper. I'd imagined myself doing this post a good few times. About how sad and stuff it is to return to school after two and a half months of bliss.

But actually, it's not THAT sad to return to school. The only reason why I'm dreading the re-opening is the darn maths review test. Grrr. It's pure EVIL to dump a test (and an SA too!) on us immediately after school opens. Like, hello? It's fine to switch from holiday mode to homework mode, but it's SO not fine to switch from holiday mode to exam mode. Too extreme. And to be tested on three topics too. Grrrrrrrrrrr. My cousin from Malaysia said that if her school did that, she'd cry. But like Arias said, "We shall not quail in the face of the lunacy of the administration!". Hahahahahahaha. Yes, we're strong people indeed.

Maths test aside, I think it'd be pretty fun to return to school really, and get to see the twin zebras, Janana, Arias-the-split-personality and Queen L. And all the rest of crazy 309/409. Ok, ok, Zhixin, you can be a lion. I can just hear your protests at being called a zebra already. :)

Anyone care to help me count the number of days left before our 2007 year-end holidays? :D


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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