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Sunday, February 25, 2007 @4:26 AM

Oscar awards are tomorrow! 9.30 am, though, how sad. There'll be repeat telecast at 10 pm, till 1 am. Ok, why am I saying this here?


I am about to summon the powers of my Inner Eye and make my own predictions for the awards! Shush while I gaze into the depths of the crystal ball.

Ah. I See them now.

Best Director - Martin Scorsese. I wonder if I've spelt his name correctly. I wanted Clint Eastwood to win, cos the movie he's nominated for is Letters From Iwo Jima, and any movie with Shido Nakamura in it pwns. XD
Best Picture - Babel. Newspaper articles have disagreed with me, choosing Little Miss Sunshine or The Departed instead, but me thinks it'll be Babel.
Best Actor - Forrest Whitaker. I wanted Ryan Gosling to win! But I think it's pretty hopeless for him.
Best Actress - Helen Mirren. I think that's kinda obvious. Unless some dark horse suddenly pulls a surprise on everyone.
Best Supporting Actor - Eddie Murphy.
Best Supporting Actress - Jennifer Hudson (hot favorite) or Rinko Kikuchi. I think it'd be less surprising for Jennifer Hudson to win, but you never know. Oscars like to be given to soulful roles like Rinko Kikuchi's in Babel. Remember Adrien Brody's oscar-winning role as tortured artist pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman? He was the youngest actor ever to win the Best Actor Oscar!

Come tomorrow night, I shall see how accurate I am. XD

Oh, and...


Saturday, February 24, 2007 @6:59 AM

Awww nothing amusing to blog about. There's the line incident, but Zhixin has already declared that on her blog. Grrr.

Oh well. Beggars can't be choosers.

So...one nice Philo lesson...

Me: Zhixin, do we have any homework for Bio tod- (catches sight of what the evil girl has written on her worksheet - "YINFEI IS A LINE! :)")
Zhixin: Heeheehee!
Me: WHAT THE H- (shuts up when Mr Ow turns around and fixes a quizzical eye on the pair of us)
Me: (whispering) I am so not a line! (grabs worksheet, and scribbes - "ZHIXIN IS A (because I couldn't think of anything else) PARALLELOGRAM!")
Baaaaaad idea.
Zhixin: I have more dimensions than you! Parallelograms are 2-D! Lines are 1-D!
SHOOT. Should have thought of something else. But then Zhixin had already taken the best idea. Garn.

So this ensued for the rest of the lesson, with her laughing about her having more dimensions than me. >.<

At the end of the lesson, I discovered that the protractor I had very nicely lent Lydia and Leican was gone.

Me: Eh, who has my protractor!
Zhixin: Who has Yinfei's protractor! (oh well, at least she was nice enough to help)
Eventually, I discover it in Mr Ow's basket. Veeeeeery smart, Lydia.
Zhixin: (standing in the doorway) Hurry up, line!
Me: I am not a line! And it was because I was looking for my parallelo- (whooooops. Stupid Zhixin, she got me all distracted with parallelograms! I meant to say "protractor", duh)
Mr Ow: You meant to say protractor, didn't you Yinfei?
Me: Yes, it's all because of her!
Zhixin: Hurry up line!
Mr Ow: Don't be mean to your friends.
Me: Yes, she's mean!
Zhixin: Since when! I'm so nice lor!
Me: Whateverrrrr.

Zhixin = nice? Eh, nonono. Not suitable. Not at all. XD

And you people, just tell me about the Silas thing already! I won't bite. (be warned: shou bi you ke neng hui tuo jiu - just ask Zhihua) (translation: arm leaves socket)

Monday, February 19, 2007 @2:37 AM

Among the people I know in school, there're many who could give me a run for my money in terms of HP knowledge. But after a veeeery interesting new year dinner at my cousin's house, I found myself to be a real EXPERT in the field (only in my family, that is). Yesyes, I have to mind the ego. XD

Well, see, Chamber of Secrets was showing on TV that night, as some people would know, and we all decided to watch it, although we only realized it was showing when the show was near its end. It was at the part where Harry enters the chamber of secrets, where he meets Tom and heroically *coughcough* rescues Ginny (I say leave her there to die).

I include extracts from the conversation for everyone's reading pleasure:

Cousin A: (seeing Tom) Hey! That one look like the guy who was dancing with Hermione in the fourth movie!
Riddle looks like Krum?!? Nononononono. They're like how different?!?
Me: NO, of course not! They look completely different!
Cousin A: Are you suuuuuuuuure or not?
Me: OF COURSE LAH! (omg, Riddle looks like Krum - can you bear that thought? I mean, nothing against Krum, but Riddle's obviously better)
Eventually, I gathered that it was CEDRIC DIGGORY she was referring to, as "the guy who was dancing with Hermione in the fourth movie".
Me: NO, it was Cho Chang whom Cedric was dancing with, not Hermione.
Cousin A: Who's Cho Chang?
Me: Nevermind.
Ok, fine, Cedric looks like Tom in the sense that they're both kind of handsome.

And yet another more amusing one...
This was the part where Fawkes flies to Harry and cries on his wound, thus healing it.
Cousin B: Oh look! The pigeon's tears are washing away the blood!
Me: *splutters and almost spits out drink* PIGEON?!? NO, IT'S A PHOENIX! And it's not just washing away the blood, it's healing the wound! Phoenix tears have miraculous healing properties!
Cousin C: Waaaaaah, professor of HP!
Me: Whateverrrrrrrr. Anyone should know that Fawkes is a phoenix!

This part is when Harry, Ron and Professor Lockhart are standing in the toilet, wondering how to open the Chamber.
Cousin B: (pointing at Lockhart) Hey, that's Voldemort right?
Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh my god! What gave you that idea! That's Professor Lockhart!
Cousin C: No lor! That's Voldemort! Don't talk rubbish!
Me: Do you have any idea how absolutely RIDICULOUS what you just said was?!? Oh man, wait till I tell my friends (who certainly know better) about this!
Cousin C: It IS Voldemort!
Me: WHATEVER. I shall not speak to ignorant people.
I mean, would Voldemort be standing meekly by Harry and Ron, going, "Please, boys, no, please...", be held at wandpoint by them, and subsequently get pushed down a long tunnel by them? Yesyesyes, very interesting deduction. Bunch of ignoramuses!

The only saving grace for them...
Cousin B: Hey, what school do they go to?
Me: Hogwarts.
Cousin B: What house is Harry in?
Me: Gryffindor.
Cousin B: What house is that bad guy in?
Me: If you mean Malfoy, Slytherin.
Cousin B: Oh, I prefer Slytherin.
Me: YES, ME TOO! (at last, something sensible from their lips)
Cousin B: The mascot, Malfoy, he's more handsome than Harry.
Ok, he deserves credit for saying Malfoy's more handsome than Harry, but "mascot"?!? Oh well. Sigh.

More interesting things:
1. Cousin B was under the impression that Dumbledore died in the fourth book. And when I was all, "NO, it's the sixth book!", he wouldn't hear any of it.
2. After a very exasperating time dealing with HP ignoramuses (who were veeeeeeery skeptical of what I had corrected them), I shamelessly declared, "Listen, NO ONE can beat me in terms of HP knowledge ok!". Not my fault ok! They were all going, "Are you suuuuuuure or not?" to perfectly certain facts like Lockhart does not = Voldemort. Cousin D then goes, "No, I can!" Right. She doesn't even know what Malfoy's first name is? How can she beat me!

At the end of the gathering, everyone had labelled me "HP professor". I declare myself PRO. Yes indeed.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @5:18 AM

Yay love is in the air! Hahaha.

Lu lao shi is so funny. ^_^ She was giving us dating advice today! With numerous references to her dear Robert, whom we recently found out is not her husband after all. Oh, and she was telling us all about her experiences when she was young. "我曾经也年轻过!" Hahahaha. "不可以乱乱让人拉你的手!"

And the moment I stepped into class, Jnanee said "Happy valentine's day Yinfei! I hope you have a great time with your 20 husbands!" I so DO NOT have 20 husbands! Humph. Zhixin, who craves for freedom, has divorced all four husbands of hers. Zhihua is still clinging on to her three. And when I asked her who she was spending V day with..."ALL of them, of course!"

Even I am not that, uh, prone to sharing. XD

Ok, super-short post here, I know. But I have to go for dinner now. Bye! *hugs everyone* *and sprinkles roses everywhere (stolen from Erik XD)*

Thursday, February 08, 2007 @4:31 AM

Today's Chem prac was so fun! XD Yayy. It was one of the rare times when I actually understood exactly what we were doing, and where the whole experiment was heading to. I love QA! QA rocks! *hugs QA* Not that my QA's good or anything, but I think it's really fun. :)

And I actually could have a discussion with Arias on what reagents S and T could be! That's saying something, seeing that Arias is the pro Bio and Chem person. Wheeeeee. Usually, I stare blankly as she rattles off stuff which might as well be greek to me. Oh, and the labelling of the reagents (S and T) brought some very interesting comments too. :)

(Leican pours reagent S into a test-tube, and right over Zhixin's worksheets and a bit of my notebook, thus resulting in the reagent spilling all over the aforesaid objects.)
Me: Leican! You're spilling it all over!
Leican: Oops!
Arias: What happened?
Zhixin: LEICAN SPILLED S ALL OVER MY WORKSHEET! (which sounds like, uh, a part of the human anatomy, don't you think?)


(I'm pouring reagent T into a test-tube, SAFELY over the sink)
Leican: Yinfei! Where's T? I want T! I want T!
Zhixin: You can go look for him in the staffroom.
Hahahahahahaha that was so funny! XD
Next thing, Arias goes looking for T too, and Zhixin repeats her nice punchline. (Oh, and "Arias loves teatime" was written on our whiteboard later, although that has nothing to do with what happened during Chem prac.)

All in all, a highly amusing day, except for the fact that we have to do a Chinese compo, seeing that we slacked throughout the block, refusing to do it. X( Zhihua and I spent the time VERY productively, discussing about how FANTASTIC her YSC presentation was, and how people would be throwing money on the stage, and how they would be staring non-stop at the screen (which Zhihua insists is a result of their brains going mushy (shui shui de, in her words XD) due to the lan-ness of the presentation). Like real lah, Zhihua! Where got lan! Top three in Singapore leh! AND can get questioned too! (Zhihua: Starry-eyed, hmm?)

Ok, better get back to Chinese compo now. XD

Wednesday, February 07, 2007 @3:02 AM

Warning: This is going to be a pretty angsty post (at least I think it's going to be). So anyone who doesn't like angsty posts, please avoid reading this. Actually, I'd rather people DID read it, so I can explain myself.

Well, what I wanted to say was: I'm sorry for yesterday's bout of depression. I know it's really silly getting upset over things like Physics prac results, but it really wasn't just that. I mean, that triggered off everything else, but still, I feel stupid for letting myself get depressed over something like that.

I mean, I know I'm a perfectionist. I was born that way, and I don't like the way I am either. But I just can't seem to change. I'd love to change, and be someone who can just go down for recess immediately after the lesson's over, instead of packing everything up first. But the thing is, I've had a few scares before, of losing my things when I just left them on the table. I used to leave stuff on the table before going for recess, in Sec 1, and then when I lost a few worksheets and my calculator for almost two weeks, I began the habit of packing everything up. I know, it's not a good habit. BUT I CAN'T CHANGE.

Well, that day, when I got the results down wrong, I just started thinking about how pathetic it is to be so hopeless at practicals all the time. Then I saw how Zhixin and Jnanee could get the results just fine, and I felt even worse. I remembered the times I had to turn to Zhixin, Leican or Arias for help during practicals. I remembered how I just couldn't dare to go near any fires, even the tiny bunsen burner flame.

Then, at that moment, Jnanee said that I was a perfectionist. No, no, it's not your fault Jnanee, it's mine. I shouldn't have been sensitive, and I know what you said was true. But it just so happened that I was thinking about how, even when I'm such a perfectionist, I still somehow botch things up, as compared to people who WEREN'T perfectionists and who could still do everything right. So, yes, that threw me here into a bout of depression.

I'm sorry to Zhixin and Jnanee that they had to endure my angst throughout the lesson. I always hide it even if I'm upset, and I only show it if I'm REALLY upset. Like the episode of the Lit PT. I don't want to spoil a good day just because I start showing my unhappiness. That's why I feel bad for letting my depression show yesterday.

It won't happen again. I'm only truly happy in school, so I don't want to waste it. That day, when I told Zhihua that I liked school, she told me that she could not even begin describing to me how much she detested school. Mugger label then slapped on me. Yes, I detest the work. But when you have great friends to cheer you up no matter how sad you are, it's really a great place. That's why I like school.

So it won't happen again. And sorry to those who had to read an angsty post. I promise the next one will be more cheerful.

Sunday, February 04, 2007 @12:37 AM

I have just taken a liking to something under the influence of Zhixin, once again (oh drat, I must start distancing myself from her). Grrr. Nevermind, I shall exact my vengeance when Zhihua and I hatch a devious plot to hypnotize Zhixin's husbands to tag at her blog at the same time, thus letting them find out about each other! Muahahahahahahaha we shall watch the sparks fly!

Anyway. That something.

AMBIGRAMS! Yes, those upside-down things sold during StarLit Night. Anyway, I have been doing tonnes of them. Although not as many as Zhixin. Of course lah, she started earlier than me! I wish I could post them, although they are truly awful-looking, but I'm too lazy. XD My first one, "Draco", was really awful, and looked a lot like "Drace". And not to mention the alphabets were really roundy and circly, reminding me of worms curled up. But the following ones were not bad. *ahem* So I did "Jack", "Merridew", "Adrien", "Bond" (which was a disaster, it looked like "Bund"!) and, uh, "DC". XD

Then Zhixin told me about how her sis's classmate did something like, uh, her name on one side, then turn it upside-down and it reads her crush's name. So, inspired by that, I did a "Yinfei-Adrien" one, because out of all my obsessions, only his name has six letters like mine. Zhixin, all horrified, went "Oh my god Yinfei! Don't tell me you tried DC! Don't tell me!". I was like "NO, I DIDN'T Zhixin, calm down! What do you take me for!". (Her answer was "a very obsessed girl", but nevermind).

Then I did my masterpiece! The "Zhihua-Anakin" one was simply marvellous!
Zhixin: OH MY GOD SO COOL! Yinfei, I'm so proud of you! You have learnt from the master! You have graduated!

Thankyou I know I rock. XD Zhihua was pretty pleased (duh).

Yes, I know this is a short post. But whatever. I really gotta finish reading Macbeth (darn him). X(


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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