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Thursday, March 22, 2007 @7:21 AM

Minutes of meeting for the first ever meeting of the Insane Fangirls Club will be up after Science EOIs!

Yes, I know it'll be outdated by then. Who cares. XD

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 @4:46 AM

Fine fine fine I shall stop wailing about how everyone's blogs are changing.

After reading Zhihua's post on her extremely fun art club trip, I'm starting to get super jealous.

Why did I join CO?

Have I ever had a single happy moment in there?

When I heard that there was no need for auditions to get into art club, I started to wish that I had joined art club too. After all, I love drawing, although the results are truly disastrous. I could spend CCA time doing something I actually LIKED. And with Zhihua, Rita, Peiyun and co there too.

I could have had such fun.

The people there are people like me.



I'm seriously wondering what possessed me to join it. Not like I gained anything out of it either. Sure, I learned to play the erhu, but can that even be considered as playing. More like the sound of chickens getting slaughtered.

Ok, sorry for two emo posts in a row.


On another note.

I tried to get into Hannibal Rising yesterday. And failed! I went with my parents, and we got the tickets just fine, but the dumb ticket person refused to let me in. Demanded IC, blahblahblah. I insisted I was sixteen (well, actually not yet), I was Sec 4, I was born in 1991...

Ticket person: 1991? Which month?
Me: (remembering Kersh saying that they only check year not month) Does that matter? It's been sixteen years since 1991.
Ticket person: No, we must know which month!
Me: January. (nose grows a little longer)
Ticket person: We must still check IC.
Me: I didn't bring it! (rummages for some sort of proof and thrusts SICC membership card at them) There.
The SICC card, I might add, only states my year of birth.
Ticket person: Nonono, we only believe IC.
Me: Butbutbut this is a real card! (ok, dumb, but I didn't know how else to phrase it)

(argument continues)

Eventually, I gave up and asked for a refund, and change of tickets to watch Music and Lyrics instead.

Me: I suppose I'm allowed to watch THAT?!? (glares)
Ticket person: Yesyesyes.
Dad: You want to check my IC too?
Hahahahaha my dad rocks!

Ticket person: But Music and Lyrics started 5 minutes ago, no use lah.
Me: It doesn't matter!
Mum: We just want to watch something! My daughter has been doing a lot of work! She's very tired! She wants a break! We can watch anything!
My mum here was referring to Maths PT. XD

So eventually, we watched Music and Lyrics. It was not bad, pretty nice. But I could just tell that Zhixin and Zhihua wouldn't like it, seeing how they disliked Scoop. I'm usually not fussy when it comes to movies, cos I like just about every movie I watch, except perhaps for those Singapore drama serials. The acting's so fake and lame! I cringe every time I watch those. And it's qian pian yi lv, every show's the same!

Oh, and I want to watch Happily N'ever After! People how about ittttttttt. Don't worry, my dad has already given permission for me to go out once during hols!


Monday, March 12, 2007 @5:21 AM

Ahhh this is so sad.

Zhixin and Zhihua's switched to LJ, Jnanee's practically abandoned her blog, Leican's locked hers up, Stacey's relocated, Kersheng's hiding his.


Not that I can't read any of those blogs again, but still.

I'll miss reading blogs with a colourful background (which is not what I could say for LJ).

And being able to access blogs without typing in passwords first.

Or being able to read interesting posts every time I enter a blog.

This is so sad.



Thursday, March 08, 2007 @4:45 AM


*yawns* I'm so utterly exhausted that I barely feel like saying anything about it here.

So basically, we win nothing. Awww. In fact, I don't know anyone from our school who won something at all, but that's probably because I'm basing this observation on myself, Zhihua and Zijun, Jnanee and Gaosi, Blossom and co and Chinhwee. Oh, I forgot. Valencia got a silver. The moment I saw the sticker thing on her poster, I knew I wasn't going to get anything, cos her project's wayyy pro-er than mine. Oh wells. At least I'm done with SMP! *whoops* (at long last)

My junior/juniour? actually came! I bet she was the only Sec 2 around. She tagged around us almost the whole time and kept bugging me to solve a Maths problem for her. If I sat down to think abourrit, perhaps I could have gotten the darn thing, but I was too weary to look at another academic thingy. Which is why I'm slacking now, when I SERIOUSLY should be doing Maths PT.

The I-future exhibit was the most interesting thing there, and which was supposed to be off-limits to us. No fair. But whoever listens to rules anyway? So we all went there. Although we were supposed to be manning our booths. It's seriously boring! Sit there, do homework (illegally), repeat presentation for about the gazillionth time, walk around, GET CHAIR STOLEN OR SAT ON. The ridiculous RI guys near my booth kept stealing my chair! Or sitting on it. I think I must have said, "Erm...sorry, excuse me, I think that's my chair." about seven times. I should have put my bag on it or something. Every time I leave my booth, I come back to find him sitting on my chair, and on one occasion, lying on my Chinese worksheet. Verrrry nice.

So after the whole thing was over, Zhihua, Zijun and Gaosi scrammed, leaving me waiting for my mum to appear, along with Zhixin, who was commenting repeatedly on the AMAZING rate at which I was packing up. Then the stupid poster kept unscrolling itself, and I had to keep scrolling it up again.

On our way out, Zhixin had a sudden urge to look at the I-future exhibits again, where we then found Kersheng, Thomas and another guy STILL glued to the soccer game thing. Might I add that they had been at it since the beginning of Creation (fine, maybe not that long). So Zhixin here decided that she was extremely interested in it too, and began to watch the game, and subsequently abandoned me to play against Thomas. Yeah, so I basically walked around staring at all the games, and tried to play a car racing one, in which I didn't even manage to get the car started. Yayy for me. XD No Lara Croft, so Zhixin couldn't have her commit suicide again (cough vivocough). Awww.

Ahhh what's the obsession with video games and soccer? Fine, I'm a total IT retard, so I can't say anything. XD

I think I was being pretty antisocial, cos I didn't talk to anyone at all, and basically just walked around feeling awed at how the whole group of them could play those video games. Just looking at those buttons confused me. But I was damn tired can. I'm usually more cheerful. XD

Went home and slept for uh, goodness knows how long. AND still feeling tired.

Ahhhhh. Wakeupwakeupwakeup! *splashes water on face*

Friday, March 02, 2007 @11:38 PM

Darneth Maths PT. I HATEHATEHATE conditional probability! I tell you my probability sucks. We've been doing crappy topics so far. Statistics (I've had enough of graphs to last me a lifetime), probability, circular measure AND trigo. For some reason, the Maths department seems to be in love with trigo. We've done it in Sec 2, 3 and now 4 too. :(

Currently a ginormous tv is being set up in my home. Yayyy. I'm going to re-watch Casino Royale and The Da Vinci Code on the new tv which finally has a screen which will do justice to Daniel and Silas. :D Wheeeee. Yes I'm the president of the insane fangirl club (as appointed by Zhihua) AND the IT retard club, the deprived childhood club and the geek club (I don't care Zhihua! I've usurped you!).

On another note, I'm not gonna bother with SSEF anymore. It's so annoyinggggggggg. I have to miss an entire day of lessons on Wednesday thanks to it, and come home exhausted only to have to study for Chem SPA the next day. How very wonderful. As I'm at long last done with the highly annoying poster, I shall spend around ten minutes putting together a speech, and then totally ignore Q & A session. After all, I didn't prepare for last year's YSC, and answered impromptu, so I shall just do that again. Heeheehee.

AND I got 4/6 for my oscar predictions! Thankyouthankyou. It wasn't that difficult, cos it was quite obvious who was going to win. Oh, and I guessed Best Animation Picture correctly too! But anyone can do that really. Out of Happy Feet, Cars and Monster House, it's quite obvious that it's Happy Feet. But my dad, who knows nothing of such stuff, was highly impressed by my prediction abilities. XD

And now I've to go fuss over Maths PT again! Bye!


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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