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Monday, March 24, 2008 @5:32 AM

Rafa and Fed both lost at Indian Wells, with identical scorelines. 6-3 6-2. Ouch. That hurts. Like, what's the matter with them? Are they on strike or something? Rafa's loss, though more painful to me, is more justifiable than Fed's one though. After all, Rafa lost to (GRRRRRRRRRRR) the Djerk, who's no. 3 in the world, as opposed to Fed's losing to Mardy Fish, the no. 98 in the world. Still, I'd rather Rafa lose to Mardy Fish than to Djokovic, anyday, ANYTIME! Actually, I'd rather Rafa lose to anyone but Djokovic. Nothing hurts more than Rafa losing a match, but losing a match to the Djerk is an indescribable pain.

I find that the only time I ever root for Fed to win is when he plays against the Djerk. Usually I want him to lose. But at last year's USO final, I was all "FED! FED! FED!". At this year's AO semi, I gave the Djerk the voodoo doll treatment when he played against Fed, something which I usually reserve for Rafa opponents only. You really gotta feel sorry for Fed sometimes. It's terrible losing to the world no. 98 when you're the world no. 1. To others it's not so bad for the world no. 2 to lose to the world no. 3, but to me it's such a big deal! I fume, let loose a stream of insults directed at the Djerk on the only forum which I can do so without people throwing similar insults back at me: VB. GAH. What I wouldn't give for him to do something so outrageous on court that he gets a life-time ban. Oh bliss. Maybe flash? Wouldn't put that past him.

Everytime he loses, he comes up with a whole bunch of excuses, whining about sprained ankles, strained shoulders, pulled stomach muscles, the flu, and his most brilliant excuse to date: breathing difficulties. Uh...riiiiiiight. When he wins, it's a totally different story. He runs down his opponents, saying in the case of Fed or Rafa that their time is over and so on. He wants the Roger's Masters to be renamed Novak's Masters. Whenever Rafa loses, he doesn't bring up every one of his ailments. He's had injuries in his knees, shoulders, and most recently, the ankle. Yet he said after his loss to David Ferrer at last year's USO: "I don't want to use injuries as an excuse. Today he played better than me, and that's why he won." This is what I call being gracious in defeat!

Now the other players don't like the Djerk either. Fed usually praises his opponents whenever he loses. He says they're really good. EXCEPT when he loses to the Djerk. He says the Djerk is NOT the most talented young player around, it's Andy Murray, despite the fact that he had just lost to the said Murray. Like what my dad says, "It's because Djokovic really deserves it!"

Rafa and Fed fans often unite against the Djerk now. One website calls out, "Fedal fans unite!" Even the girls at VB root for Fed when he plays against the Djerk. They go "vamos rogi!" despite the fact that we only call out "vamos!" to Rafa and the other spanish armada players.

Maybe I should call for a mass voodoo doll-ing.

Saturday, March 22, 2008 @6:04 AM

I simply HAD to post this. It's what you could call a prayer, written by Maggy of VB, and I have to say I totally love it.

Presenting the Rafa prayer:

O Rafael, Rafael...
Mighty Mallorcan,
Most Glorious King of Clay,
Gladiator of the Grass,
Lord of the Locker Room,
Gracious Signer of Autographs and Setter of Fashion
Drop-Shotter Extraordinaire,
Attila the Honey,
Cutie Pie of Cutie Pies,
Possessor of EPIC Biceps and VERY NICE TEETH,
We humbly salute thee and pray most passionately for
thy success, that thou might DOMINATE the World of
Even as Thou already DOMINATE OUR HEARTS.

In the name of Obsession,


C'mon let's all say it together! :D


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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