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Wednesday, April 21, 2010 @5:20 AM

I spent the whole of yesterday re-living primary school. I read all the encyclopedias my mum bought me when I was young, "Dr Pat Benson's Power Science Guide" (which was my PSLE bible - I mugged it so hard for science!) and even dug out Appreciating Poetry from Sec 1 Lit. No, I'm not mad. I was just mugging for the ISAT. And based on the sample questions I found on the net, the topics tested were all like primary school science! That's not to say it's easy. They asked stuff about simple machines (the names of which I've almost completely forgotten), the solar system (one question which got on my nerves: Which of the following is a new moon? You can guess what THAT reminded me of XD), and the types of rocks (Sec 1 geog = completely forgotten too!).

Anyway, I never realized how cute I was in primary school. I found all sorts of interesting stuff scribbled on my primary school textbook while reading it. For instance, on one page showing food chains, I made up my own extension to one food chain.

Original food chain:

Rotting leaf < Earthworm < Centipede

My creative extension:

Rotting leaf < Earthworm < Centipede < Bird < Cat < Fox < Wolf < Tiger < Lion < People < Cannibal (LOL!) < Shark < Whale < Dinosaur < T-Rex

Ignoring for a while the fact that whales don't eat sharks, lions don't eat tigers, people don't eat lions (civilized people, anyway) and T-Rexes are a kind of dinosaur, I wonder how I got A+ for PSLE science with such a warped idea of food chains. XD

Then there was this message I wrote on one page, presumably when I was in a temper:


Yes, the "written when I was angry!!" is part of the message. OMG SO CUTE. :) 12-year-old Yinfei was so mad at something that she vented her frustrations on her science textbook. I wrote in code, by the way. The alphabets were the first letter of each word of the real message. For instance, for "IHMFAM", it was supposed to read "I hate my father and mother." Oops! >< That's the only sentence I can decipher. I can't even remember what the rest was supposed to mean. No wonder I wrote in code - so no one could understand. Anyone who can break it, please tell me. XD I'm very curious to know what I wrote!

Ok I'm going off to watch ATP World Tour now. XD

Sunday, April 18, 2010 @10:35 PM

Dare I try to revive this? After changing my profile to a much less childish one (honestly, I blush upon reading what I wrote just a couple of years ago), I'm tempted to continue this blog now that I'm free of exams (for now at least!). But blogs aren't as big as they were a few years ago. :( It's all facebook and twitter now. And I wonder if anyone still reads this. XD Still. Even if I'm talking to the air I think I'd like to continue writing here at last.


RGS 409'07 and RJC 09S03D
26th August 1991
Obsessed with Rafa Nadal, Juan del Potro and Guy of Gisborne!
Loves sashimi
Loves PINK
Absolutely loves tennis!
And in love with love

.alina. arias. eiffel. jnanee. joy. leeqi. leican. lena. meLissa. siyi. stacey. zhihua. zhixin. vamosbrigade. justinehenin. tommyrobredo. villamoya. savannah'sworld. link.



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